Monday, September 24, 2012

story time

So today we ventured out into the uncharted territory of baby story time at the Cameron Village library. We were running late (of course) and we arrived at story time in the middle of a song complete with hand motions and throwing your baby in the air. I think Cole and I were equally in shock at how much those parents love story time. I have to say, we got kind of into it by the end. Cole was smiling and grabbing other babies pacifiers out of their mouth...he made one little girl cry. Needless to say, Cole loved story time and we will definitely go back. There were about 20 babies present and a lot of babies with their daddies, which I don't know why I was surprised, I just was. Cole gravitated to a 5 month old red headed baby instantly and she thought it was pretty funny as well. We hung out after story time ended to "read" books/jump all over other babies and ask every mommy how old their baby was. Cole took the cake for being one of the biggest babies there for his age and when I told other parents how old Cole was, they were like "Oh, my...what a big guy."

1 comment:

  1. He's just healthy! I'm glad he loved it! The one in Holly Springs is mostly mamas and babysitters/grandmas...interesting difference between the city and the 'burbs!
