Friday, November 2, 2012

cutie mccuterson

I've been slack. I really had big dreams of posting all the time and being super awesome at keeping up with our life on the internet. Oh well. We have been busy with work, school, and figuring out how to manage all of our time with family and friends. We love having a hectic schedule and being on the go but sometimes we just want to hide in our house and do nothing. We shouldn't complain because we are so lucky to have such fun family and friends to hang out with who love us (or really love Cole).

We are still in to going to the park at least twice a week. It is so nice and convenient to our house that sometimes we walk if everyone has had their nap.

Cole was running fevers for about 4 days last week and it was so sad because he did not even want to play or eat. Cole wanted to be held constantly and actually cuddled on the couch with me and Dale.
We went on a downtown Raleigh trolley "ride" Saturday night for a friend's birthday party. You basically peddled this trolley with 14 people and enjoyed a few beverages while you peddled to different bars. It was way more fun than one might imagine. Dale dressed up as Mr. Clean and I was a pirate. I wish we had taken some pictures to share the joy. On Sunday we entertained by having a group of Dale's college friends over for a reunion and poor Cole was sick the whole time. We had fun hanging out with all our friends and reminiscing about the good ol' days.  Cole had fun sharing his toys with his new baby friend, Lucas.

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