Monday, August 12, 2013

one year in

We moved almost exactly a year ago from Charlotte to Raleigh. In a way, I can't believe it has already been a year and the time has flown by so fast. In another way, it feels like we should be on to the next part of our journey now and our time in Raleigh should be over. I would definitely say that it took close to six months to feel comfortable in Raleigh and not use Google Maps every time I left the house. It took probably nine months before we stopped calling Charlotte "home" and it took a complete year to feel like we were settling in, we were making it in a new place and we actually (although hard to admit) were starting to let ourselves love Raleigh. Just for giggles, here are some plus and minuses about Raleigh that we have developed over the past year.


the park system is AMA-zing
the endless amount of story times available to children for free
the flea market (my husband and child would not agree)
being closer to other friends and family
cole gets to spend more time with dale
dale's wonderful opportunity to get his MBA
maria's pretty sweet job at wakemed
breweries galore
cole learned to walk, talk, crawl, and sit in time out here

renting a crappy little house
farther away from other friends and family
living in the "burbs"
one income vs. two
two hour car rides to concord with a toddler
not as many hole in the wall, delicious, one of a kind dining options

Anyway, truthfully we would live in Raleigh permanently. We are not opposed to living in this gorgeous city with plenty of activities and we do believe that it would be a great place to raise Cole and his future siblings. As a couple, we are open to living in so many big cities but our heart is honestly in Charlotte, although we are flexible. We believe that we will end up where we are supposed to be whether that be Charlotte, Raleigh, or some other fun city. You definitely won't find us living in a city any smaller than Raleigh, we can guarantee that. Change is good.

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